Industrial Stormwater Training

As part of our comprehensive storm water program services, Pika has developed and implemented customized training programs. Two separate modules have been developed and training provided to clients’ employees on an annual basis. The first module constitutes Storm Water Compliance Training and focuses on the needs of the storm water inspection and sampling team. The basic content of the course covers storm water awareness, regulatory basis for the program, introduction to storm water principles and a review of their compliance responsibilities. Storm water awareness emphasizes the many health effects of polluted storm water. The regulatory portion of the course covers the Clean Water Act and the Porter Cologne Water Quality Act, the tiered nature of enforcement actions and the potential for litigation from third parties. The history and purpose of the General Industrial Permit is then introduced, followed by a general discussion of the definitions of “storm water” and “pollutant” follows along with a subsequent depiction of the differences between storm water and non-storm water discharge. The rest of the training module focuses on issues specific to the facility itself: where potential NSWDs exist, sources of potential pollutants, discharge locations, and specific Best Management Practices to prevent contamination of storm water discharge. Basic facility monitoring team responsibilities are then outlined along with how to utilize the checklists to facilitate fulfillment of those responsibilities.

The second module covers General Storm Water Awareness Training and is delivered to every employee in multiple training sessions at the facility. The presentation begins with a discussion of why storm water issues are important, discussing potential increases in incidence of diseases and the impact on recreational activities, particularly at beaches. It gives valuable advice to parents about how to protect children from contamination and how to interpret “Heal the Bay’s Beach Report Card” when choosing a beach to visit. A very basic introduction into the various storm water program documents is then presented, along with principles regarding how we prevent pollution and measure the effectiveness of our efforts. The module wraps-up with a reminder that it is everyone’s responsibility to prevent storm water pollution and that most of what we must do to meet that objective is plain common sense.

Industrial Stormwater Training Opportunities

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